I've been extremely stir-crazy with all of the different internet accounts I have open. So I'm downsizing to save time and energy and not feel like such a comp dork. So What's like having a flickr, twitter, facebook myspace etc...?....TUMBLR! So i will be there still being my usual tiger milk self except it will have more of my personality. Just an insight into who I am a bit more. I'll post my favorite images, videos, quotes and it will basically be a digital me.


My favorite star

i have a twitter, dont know how long it will last but you can follow me. And give me your link so i can follow you(gosh ...sounds stockerish)

tommorow me and my friend are going for tofu, then thrift shop for props and wardrobe then location searching. should be fun. take care :)




April=new month

april will be exculsivly MY pictures. so stay tuned ;p

:sheena callage

:sheena callage














:unknow, nina hartmann, nathan coley


My favorite Ryan McGinley picture

:Guy Aroch, modfetish, nadine

:Moody Blues & Elina Kalis

If it is not one thing, it is another. I have gone through not one but two laptop computers in 1 week! ...meaning they have broken. I don't know the cause, maybe I'm bad luck with them now or i don't know. But until I get a new laptop i have this one that shuts off after 25 minutes. That's bad for many reasons. My high school is online and for those of you that have read previous posts i have 9 hard classes this semester. (paiiiin!) And I cannot search for beautiful images for you all so I can only post the limited ones I take.

I just hope that you all can bare with me.
:Debora Mittelstaedt




from now on im only going to post my own photography or credit where it is from. i hope you guys dont mind.. its just what i want. i'll be back in March.

:Lina Scheynius

thank you all for being so sweet. i took your advice and relaxed today, spent time with my long time friend and we played in her koi pond. she should be a hand model shouldn't she??

....back to work....
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School is ruling my life right now. I'm homeschooled with 9 HARD classes(a day) that i don't belong in so im working my butt off 7 days and nights a week and this week is going to be twice as hectic. ....











