more bounce

Looooooong flight home. I now have a whole new appreciation for California even though i enjoyed the east coast. I've just realized that this is where i belong, no doubt about it.


Holly said...

Oh! But I didn't realize you were a Californian too! Which part of CA? [Me: born and raised in San Francisco, and I know exactly what you mean.]

tigermilk said...

southern california. san diego's my neighbor.

Holly said...

Oh, lovely. San Diego I do like, and would like to see more of...

loveology said...

Beautiful picture!

I'd love to know where i belong too... ;)


Camille said...

From New England right now, I can only say how lucky you are to be in sunny, beautiful California weather. I miss beaches!

(ray)mond said...

i had to take a while and reflect upon my time in california to really appreciate it; almost a year after
san diego is definitely a place i liked, and i dig certain things about la

tigermilk said...

it took me 17 years to reflect on my home state. haha but when you think about it we really do have it all: the city, the mountains, snow, deserts,vinyerds.... you wouldn't really need to go anywhere else.

Jack Daniel said...

I envy you. I've been to San Francisco in 2000 and I miss it!! I went to NYC in the summer of 1999...and I don't know which of the two I like most.

But, I think I'll definitely enjoy being in California right now because of the weather in Holland. I miss sunny days.